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Group Life, Group Personal Accident (GPA) and Critical Illness

Ensure your employees are covered for death due to accident or sickness.

Group Life, Group Personal Accident & Health (GPA) and Group Critical Illness Insurance Policy is a pure Protection and Yearly Renewable Term Policy.

The key to the success of any corporation lies in the strength of its people. Your employees' well-being and job satisfaction is vital to the growth and prosperity of your business. Recent surveys indicate that employee benefits are increasingly becoming the criteria that employees value most when prospecting for a job.

At MetLife, we recognize that life is unpredictable and it is necessary for you to guard your employees against any adverse eventuality due to accident & sickness and the financial strain it brings. This is where MetLife's Group Life, Group Personal Accident & Health (GPA) and Critical Illness Insurance Policy provide your employees 24 hours a day and 365 days a year worldwide protection against financial loss due to accident & sickness.

The Policy comprises the following types of coverage which are customizable for the needs of the organization.

Group Term Life

A Group Term Life Plan that covers your employees on loss of life or permanent disability caused by accidents or sickness

LIFE (Death due to – Accident & Sickness)

In the event of the insured employee’s death due to any cause – accident or sickness occurring anywhere in the world, except for death resulting from active participation in war or war like operations, and suicide in the first year of coverage, the benefit amount shall be paid in a lump-sum to his/her beneficiary.


If any insured employee becomes totally and permanently disabled from bodily injury due to accident or sickness and is wholly prevented from performing any occupation for remuneration or profit while less than 60 years of age, the benefit under this is payable in sixty monthly installments following a one-year disability waiting period. Extension of Death Benefit with no additional cost: If an insured employee becomes totally disabled due to an accident or sickness after he has been insured for twelve consecutive months and prior to his sixtieth birthday and dies within the next twelve months, the insured amount shall be paid in a lump-sum to his/her beneficiary.


This benefit becomes payable if an insured employee becomes partially disabled on a permanent basis, as a result of a bodily injury due to an accident or sickness, while less than 60 years of age and at least six months after he becomes insured under this plan. The lump sum payment shall be made to the insured for that disability in accordance with the Schedule of Payments below.

Disability  Applicable Percentage Disability  Applicable Percentage Disability  Applicable Percentage

Loss of arm between shoulder and wrist





Loss of whole middle finger





Loss of all toes





Loss of hand below wrist





Loss of whole ring finger





Loss of one eye





Loss of four fingers and thumb





Loss of whole little finger





Deafness in both ears





Loss of four fingers





Loss of leg at hip





Deafness in one ear





Loss of whole thumb





Loss of leg between knee and hip





Loss of great toe





Loss of whole index finger





Loss of leg below knee





Loss of other than great,if more than one toe, each




MetLife Group Insurance Policies contain certain exclusions, deductibles, limitations and terms. Contact MetLife representative or call us for more information.

Group Personal Accident and Health

i.  Accidental Death

If an accidental injury results in the death of an insured employee, the insured amount shall be paid to his/her beneficiary.

ii.  Dismemberment, Loss of Sight, Hearing, and Speech Indemnity

If an accidental injury results in any of the following losses to an insured employee, the payment shall be made in one lump sum to the insured employee in accordance with the applicable percentage indicated here below to be applied to the insured amount.

Disability Applicable Percentage Disability Applicable Percentage Disability Applicable Percentage

Loss off Both Hands or Both Feet





Loss of either Hand or Foot and Sight in one eye





Loss of either Hand or Foot





Loss of Sight in Both Eyes





Loss of Speech





Loss of Sight in one Eye





Loss of one Hand and one Foot





Loss of Hearing in Both Ears





Loss of Thumb & Index Finger




iii. Total and Permanent Disability

If, as the result of an accidental injury an insured employee becomes Totally Disabled, which disability has continued for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months and is unable to engage in any gainful occupation or employment for the remainder of the Insured employee’s life, the benefit amount shall be paid in a lump-sum to such Insured employee.

iv. Accidental Medical Expenses Reimbursement (AMR)

If, as a result of an accidental injury, an insured employee shall require treatment by a physician, use of hospital facilities, or the employment of a licensed or graduate nurse while at the hospital, the Reasonable, Customary and Necessary medical expenses incurred within fifty two (52) weeks from the date of the accident for such physician treatment, hospital charges and nurses fees, which are in excess of the deductible (if any) and up to insured amount limit stated in the Policy shall be paid.

v. Accidental Weekly Disability Indemnity (AWI)

If, as the result of an accidental injury, an insured employee is Totally Disabled and remains so continuously for a period in excess of the Elimination Period i.e. 1 week (7 days), the Weekly Accidental Disability Indemnity applicable to such Insured employee shall be paid periodically beginning with the first day following such Elimination Period, for the continuous duration of Total Disability, but not to exceed the maximum period of fifty two (52) weeks.

vii. In-Hospital Weekly Income – Accident & Sickness (IH- A&S)

When, as the result of accidental Injury or commencement of sickness, an insured employee shall be necessarily confined within a hospital as an In-patient for at least 24 hours under the continuous attendance of a physician, the Weekly Benefit stated in the Policy shall be paid, for each week that the Insured person shall be confined therein, up to fifty-two (52) weeks, commencing immediately following the Elimination (if any) stated in the Policy.

MetLife Group Insurance Policies contain certain exclusions, deductibles, limitations and terms. Contact MetLife representative or call us for more information.

Group Critical Illness

Critical Illness provides a lump sum payment to an insured employee when the insured employee is diagnosed to be suffering from a critical illness as listed and defined in the Policy. Employees and their dependants can be covered under one of the following 3 plans.

Plan 1: Major Cancer Only; or

Plan 2: Major Cancers, Stroke, First Heart Attack, Serious Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Valve Surgery, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension;

Plan 3:  Major Cancers, Stroke, First Heart Attack, Serious Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Valve Surgery, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, End Stage Lung Disease, End Stage Liver Failure, Fulminant Hepatitis, Kidney Failure, Coma, Aplastic Anaemia, Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplantation.

First policy issue date: 02/05/2004

NIA Product Code: NIA/LI005/2060/061/GP/0004

GL, GPA, CI Policy Wording